Teenage Psychotherapy or Counselling is facilitated by a trained psychologist who has a special interest and experience in adolescent issues. Teenage or Adolescent Individual Therapy offers a teenager an opportunity to share and discuss problems on a one-on-one basis with a psychologist, gain insight into his/her concerns and find better outcomes and solutions as well as make better life-choices.
Psychotherapy (Talk Therapy) for teenagers is often supplemented with creative techniques and activities, if for example the adolescent is not verbal or has difficulty in communicating. The use of Talk Therapy and activities are dependent on the teenager’s age, developmental stage, and specific concerns.
Psychotherapy with teenagers covers various difficulties such as:
- Abuse (cyber, emotional, physical ,sexual, verbal)
- Academic (Attention Difficulties, Learning Difficulties, Learning Styles, Subject Choice, Motivation)
- Adjustment difficulties (School, Peers, Relocating, Family adjustment, Divorce etc.)
- Anger Management
- Anxiety (General Anxiety Disorder – excessive Worry, Phobias, Performance Anxiety, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, PTSD)
- Bullying
- Coping skills (Emotional control, Effective Thinking and Choice-making, Goal-setting)
- Depression
- Eating Disorders (Anorexia, Bulimia, Obesity)
- Grief & Loss
- Relationship Difficulties
- Responsibility-building
- Self-esteem issues & Identity
- Self-harm behaviour (self-mutilation)
- Conduct/behavioural concerns
- Sexuality
- Social Skills (Shyness, Nervousness, Effective Communication, Effective Conflict Management)
- Substance abuse (Alcohol, Illicit drug use, Steroid Use)
- Suicidal thoughts and attempts
Psychotherapy with adolescents is confidential and our psychologists at the PsychMatters Family Therapy Centre will not break that confidentiality unless the teenager is at risk. For effective intervention, combining individual Teen Therapy with regular parent consultation, parents are informed on progress, and can learn ways to encourage such progress at home and at school and to assist parents with the presenting concerns, as well as Family Therapy sessions to address the family system as a whole.
(See LIVING LEGENDS TEEN EMPOWERMENT WORKSHOP for Teen Group Workshop and booking information)