Staying on the Mark

Staying on the Mark

By Joanna Kleovoulou, Clinical Psychologist & Founder So it’s a new year a new beginning, January 2016, the mantra month that offers great aspirations and goals, pledging a potential for you to make things happen – to set last year’s record straight. Right? Well,...
What is it about being Judgemental?

What is it about being Judgemental?

by Sarit Swisa, Clinical Psychologist What is more powerful than a negative judgement? Think about it…. You might have had the most productive, creative day, checking all the boxes off your list. But it seems that that one moment of failure or disappointment...

Hall of Shame

Written by Fiona Davern, We all have shameful stories. But when shaming happens in the “fever swamps of the Internet”, with millions of people watching, the public humiliation is akin to being locked in stocks and pelted with rotten...

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