Princesses or Perverts?

Princesses or Perverts?

When children start to touch or play with their private bits, we‘re often shocked, but this is quite normal. Here‘s why BY ALEXANDRA SCHNEIDER To parents of babies and toddlers, the sexual development of their children may seem like a topic that doesn’t carry much...

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Children First, Feelings about your Ex Later

Children First, Feelings about your Ex Later

Kleovoulou says: “Co-parenting demands respectful, effective communication, cooperation and a shared commitment to the wellbeing of the children. Even after the relationship is dissolved, it still remains the responsibility of both parents to be actively involved their child’s emotional, developmental, academic and social needs.”

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What are your child’s rights in South Africa

What are your child’s rights in South Africa

What are your child’s rights in South Africa, your Children’s Rights are those rights found in Section 28 in the Bill of Rights in the Constitution of South Africa and they form the basis for the best interest of the child in all matters affecting children.

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Deal with Divorce: Mastering the experience

Deal with Divorce: Mastering the experience

Separated? Divorced? Co-Parenting? Stuck in the pain, anger and bitterness?
It is a defining moment for anyone experiencing a Divorce. How this will impact you and your family, depends on how you choose to see and to deal with the challenges that the divorce has left.

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1. LIVING LEGENDS TEEN EMPOWERMENT Facilitator: Joanna Kleovoulou (Clinical Psychologist) A legend is said to be one that inspires; an inspirational and extra-ordinary human being living life with purpose. Your Teen will gain:  Self-insightEmotional control &...

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Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing

What is EMDR Therapy Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing (EMDR) is a tool used in Psychotherapy that was developed by Francine Shapiro to resolve trauma caused by exposure to distressing life events such as military combat or rape. It is used to treat PTSD...

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