Psychological Assessments

psychological testing


The aim of an Assessment is to utilise a combination of objective, standardised psychological tests and the expertise of the psychologist, that can identify and establish:

  • where you or your child excels or is gifted in
  • where you or your child is having difficulties
  • what your or your child’s level of intellectual or cognitive functioning is (e.g. reading, spelling, maths, comprehension)
  • what emotional issues are of concern
  • whether you are reaching your potential or your child is reaching appropriate milestones for his or her age
  • whether there are difficulties at home, school and interacting with peers and significant others
  • any Learning Difficulties or Disorders (e.g. Dyslexia, Reading, Maths)
  • School Readiness

Our Psychologists can assist you with assessing cognitive and emotional problems, as well as give recommendations to work towards resolution. An Assessment is essentially a roadmap for you the parents, to use to make informed decisions about your child’s educational and emotional well-being, and in assisting your child reach full potential. You will be able to gain an outline of strengths and developmental needs for your child in order to assist you to understand your child and provide the necessary support structures to assist your child to cope and excel according to your child’s potential.
Your child is often referred by the teacher or by yourselves, as:

  • there are concerns that your child is not performing to his or her potential at school;
  • when your child shows no progress
  • when there is a possibility that your child may repeat the Grade;
  • when your child’s teacher complains of behavioural difficulties, such as not listening, not concentrating, fidgetiness, daydreaming, causing trouble, causing social discomfort or struggles to accept discipline
  • inconsistent performance (does well in some areas and struggles in others; or fluctuating performance every term)
  • appears different to peers in behaviour, communication, social interaction, cognitive and emotional functioning
  • your child struggles to integrate socially (making and keeping friends)
  • your child struggles to assert him/herself
  • your child presents with poor self-esteem

The following assessments are available:

  • Scholastic Assessment (Cognitive and Emotional Functioning)
  • Social-Emotional Assessment
  • School Readiness
  • Identify Learning Difficulties and barriers to learning and development
  • Establish which Class: Special class/Learning support (LS/Remedial) class, or School (e.g. Mainstream/ LS/ Technical) would best suit your child
  • Career Guidance, Subject Choice or Field of study (Choose the right subjects for Grade 9-12 to keep options open; Based on the child’s interest, Personality Aptitude in Grade 11-12, broad fields to be explored further can be indicated
  • Psychiatric Disorders (e.g. ADD, ADHD, Depression, Anxiety, Aspergers, Autism, Oppositional Defiant Disorder, Conduct Disorder, Tics and Tourettes)
  • Concessions (if your child may need extra time or other special needs during exams)

Please provide us with a copy of your own or your child’s report or a progress report from the teacher; any previous assessment reports; and other relevant documents that may assist in us understanding your child’s current level of functioning and concerns.

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