Infidelity – (S)he Cheats, should you stay?

Infidelity – (S)he Cheats, should you stay?

As featured in the online Destiny Magazine, By Joanna Kleovoulou, Clinical Psychologist, Director Infidelity is one of the most unpleasant and painful experiences that can occur in a relationship as it is a violation of trust, feelings of betrayal and the questioning...

How Hatred only Hurts You

How Hatred only Hurts You

By Joanna Kleovoulou, Clinical Psychologist, Founder and Director of PsychMatters Centre "Holding on to Hate is like letting someone live rent-free in your mind" Many of us associate the month of February with love, adoration and friendship, with Valentine's Day...

PTSD – What is it?

PTSD – What is it?

By Sheethal Behari, Clinical Psychologist The festive season has come and gone. For many it is a time for being with family and friends, for winding down from a year of work and stress, for relaxing and enjoying everyday pleasures. However for some the festive season...

Being a child in the 21st Century

Being a child in the 21st Century

Being a child in 2014 is vastly different to being a child a few short decades ago. Children today are bombarded with a highly competitive environment; they are expected to excel in the classroom, on the sports field and at extra-curricular activities. The trap...

What Career Path do I choose?

What Career Path do I choose?

According to the Mail & Guardian, approximately 46% of student’s drop out of their three or four year tertiary studies.  As we wind down toward the end of the year, matriculants are faced with what certificate, diploma or degree they should apply to study...

Healthy Living: Start afresh this Spring

Healthy Living: Start afresh this Spring

by Dr. Mase Baholo According to the WHO, health is a state of complete physical, mental and social being, not simply the absence of disease. This definition extends to include steps, actions and strategies that an individual puts in place to achieve optimum health....

Understanding Traumatic Brain Injury & Treatment

Understanding Traumatic Brain Injury & Treatment

By Sheethal Behari, Clinical Psychologist What is it? Traumatic brain injury (TBI) results from an impact to the head that disrupts normal brain functioning.  The impact is caused by an external mechanical force such as a motor vehicle accident, a gunshot wound,...

How to prepare for Psychometric Assessments

How to prepare for Psychometric Assessments

Whether you are a school leaver entering tertiary education and completing compulsory psychometric assessments, a graduate searching for employment and completing a set of assessments as part of your interview process, or a seasoned professional having to now do...

Painful partings – Separation Anxiety Disorder

Painful partings – Separation Anxiety Disorder

by Tamarin Epstein, Educational Psychologist "Separation Anxiety" refers to an abnormally high fear response to real/imagined separation from home or a major attachment figure (usually a parent/caregiver). In babies under 2 years, it is a normal survival response. It...

Coping with a Breakup or Divorce

Coping with a Breakup or Divorce

By Joanna Kleovoulou, Clinical Psychologist With almost 50% of all marriages ending in divorce, most of us have been affected directly or indirectly by this stressful life event. When a marriage or significant relationship ends, it can turn your entire world upside...

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