by | Events, Media, Toddlers |
Facilitator: Melanie Hamaty, Clinical Psychologist & Mother Being responsible for the care and survival of your baby can be very overwhelming for first time parents & caretakers. Would you like to be an empowered parent or caretaker equipped with skills to...
by | Children, Teens, Toddlers, Trauma |
Trauma is defined as a unique individual experience triggered by a sudden, external overwhelming event or of persistent overwhelming conditions in which one’s ability to cope is compromised, as one experiences a real or perceived threat to his/her life, bodily...
by | Events, Parenting, Relationship Matters, Toddlers |
PARENTING WISELY is a training workshop for Parents to learn empowering ways about family dynamics, understanding your child and misbehaviour and skills to teach parents to assist your child to be confident, masterful and gain self-control in their world. You will...
by Joanna Kleovoulou | Events, Parenting, Toddlers |
THE “STORK TALK”: A Guide to speak wisely with your child about their Sexuality Facilitator: Joanna Kleovoulou, Clinical Psychologist, Johannesburg For many parents, raising a child is the most gratifying job—and one of the most challenging. Given the high statistics...
by Joanna Kleovoulou | Events, Parenting, Toddlers |
First Aid and basic childcare, facilitator – Leeann Holdsworth Being responsible for the care and survival of your baby can be very overwhelming for first time parents and caretakers. This workshop is for first time moms, domestic workers and nannies who would...
by | Media, Parenting, Toddlers |
Raising a Responsible child: Too young to decide? By Joanna Kleovoulou, Clinical Psychologist and Director of PsychMatters Family Therapy Centre What was meant to be an exciting expedition to the toy store with my four-year-old niece, turned that intended delightful...