Teenage Counselling

Teenage Psychotherapy or Counselling is facilitated by a trained psychologist who has a special interest and experience in adolescent issues. Teenage or Adolescent Individual Therapy offers a teenager an opportunity to share and discuss problems on a one-on-one basis...

Manifesting a Masterful You: Be empowered

Facilitator: Joanna Kleovoulou, Clinical Psychologist Do you find yourself giving to everyone but feel depleted to give to yourself? Sick and tired of being Tired, Unappreciated, Neglected? When we practice the act of self-care, we are able to show up in the world as...

The Stork Talk

THE “STORK TALK”: A Guide to speak wisely with your child about their Sexuality Facilitator: Joanna Kleovoulou, Clinical Psychologist, Johannesburg For many parents, raising a child is the most gratifying job—and one of the most challenging. Given the high statistics...

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